Monday, January 14, 2008

Living the Good Life in London

After my Dec 29 flight from Saint John to Halifax was cancelled, my second cousin Sue kindly offered to drive me 5 hours through a blizzard to Halifax so that I not miss my flight to London. I arrived exhausted, but fully ready to enjoy big city life... two days in Istanbul on the way to Saint John was just not enough.

The above picture was taken at S's friend E's house... Grrr kept the champagne flowing and we enjoyed a mellow evening eating gourmet nibblies until midnight when we went out to set off/watch fireworks.

On New Year's Day, I went to Covent Garden to meet friends who are usually in Paris over the winter holiday(see Jan 2007). We gathered before dinner at the Nag's Head... The guys in the picture; however, are not friends, but just some drunk guys from up North having a little fun with the blow-up sheep Dolly handcuffed to one of the guys' wrist.

And this is Sol enjoying dessert at a Brasserie in Covent Garden. It was her husband's sister's husband's 50th birthday that brought everyone to London to celebrate. The family lives in London, Dubai, HK, etc... (I hope to visit Sol at her home in Dubai next time).

On Jan 3rd, after clearing up some paperwork at King's College, I met Au, former classmate. We had some cheap food and a glass of wine at the International. She introduced me to this place... and the cheap cinema (Prince Charles) around the corner in Leceister Square.

And this last picture is a picture of the International because I don't have a picture of the Korean restaurant I went to with Mika or of Yash, Christina, Sarah x2 and I at the cafe in the Curzon Cinema.

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