Thursday, February 01, 2007

New City Running Club

Like many other expats, since I have come here, my fitness regime has been replaced with one of sleeping, drinking and recovering from colds or food-related illnesses (not just an excuse) . However, a few weeks ago, I saw a plump man in a track suit and plastic bathroom slippers jogging around the circular drive of New City Motel. This planted the seed of an idea in my head. If I were to get up and jog early early in the morning, maybe I too (even as a woman) could do this... especially if he could do it in bathroom slippers. I did this twice; the second attempt joined by D!

A few days later, I was coming home late and the big guy who inspired my jogging was out on the curb squatting over a grill. I looked over and he waved. A few minutes later, a young guy came over with a plate of grilled chicked from big guy's grill. I had noticed they were drinking something they poured out of a paper bag and went out to fill them up from my own stash of single malt. So they admitted they had seen me jogging and I admitted they had inspired it. So the next day at 6:45am, we all met in the drive to jog! Best excercise I'd had since arriving. Fortunately (or unfortuately) they have left now... and I have once again become unable to get out of bed before absolutely necessary.

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