Friday, February 02, 2007

Coffee Cup Reading

Thanks to G, the head chef at the cafeteria, I now know that I am going to conceive and deliver twins in the very near future. My mother will be so happy to hear she is finally about to become a grandmother. Unfortunately, the events surrounding this event seem a little unlikely. The father is a shortish man whose name begins with K and we won't marry until after I am already pregnant... yet it isn't exactly a shotgun wedding as it seems the more important event is the pregnancy and not the wedding (but if you'd like to imagine the wedding, G claims I will wear a princess dress made of tuille, lace or some other sheer material). There were plenty of other life details, involving travel, a clear heart, a rising sun and etc... but I had a meeting to go to, so G shared his predictions with others instead of me - predictions leading to rumor and speculation regarding K's identity. To be honest, I don't anyone whose name starts with K, but I do know I need a book on Turkish coffee cup readings as I would prefer to be the reader rather than the readee.


Anonymous said...

hey my name begins with a K! But I am not a man.

I've just started getting settled back in NYC (with internet service!) and caught up on your adventures. So nice to hear how everything's going!

Anonymous said...

Twins, i can't wait ;> You can have my allotment...S in the UK