Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jilki Kurdi - Newruz we Pirozbe

After being in Kurdistan for 2 picnic seasons already without a jilki kurdi (Kurdish dress), I decided this year would be the year. Just before Newruz (and our departure for Lebanon), I and a local lady lawyer friend headed for the tailors armed with a load of sparkly fabric my friend brought back from India to sell in stalls in Hawler Mall and the bazaar for women looking for something different for their traditionally styled picnic/party wear. Her tailor of choice? Beirut! (Ironic as I was headed to the real Beirut in the matter of a few days). Like wearers of the sparkliest of jilki kurdis, I walked in trailing a shimmery pixie dust of sequins, pearls and jewel-like beads. Should be ready for when I return.

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