Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Last night's posting delayed - part 3

Final thoughts
It’s 3am and I am dead tired, but not sure how well I will sleep… I am worried that I didn’t prepare any cash and I am desperate for Internet and a phone card. Also thinking about what life here will be like. Certainly less busy than Taipei and cheaper than London, but with some of the grungy down-sides of each. There was a big cockroach on an outside wall as I came back to my room. Hopefully they will stay outside. I would like to buy some cleaning supplies, hangers and roomy kameez-style blouses tomorrow. I will also include candles. The power shut off twice already between the time I came back and now. But the generators seem to come on pretty quickly. I checked the freezer and there is ice there, so they can’t really go out for long. I unpacked my stuff and I think it is time to sleep… There is lots more to tell, mostly about G and B’s impressions of this place, but I just can’t until I get some sleep. They already seem pretty jaded and they have only been less than 1 month. Guess they are ready for something to happen.

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