Saturday, January 26, 2008

24-hour electricity?

Hundreds of electrical wires weave around electric poles, knotted intricately, tasselled ends dangling... They wind from houses and other structures, tangling together lattice-like... or on occasion (as in this photo) they stream like a wiry waterfall from the side of a building. Unfortunately, unlike Mam Jalal's lucky in father-in-law whose grave receives 24-hour-a-day illumination, the average family wired to these weavy webs gets only about 1-5 hours a day. I suppose one could argue that at least they don't have to be dead to get it! (Although I could probably safely surmise that all the living relatives of the ruling clans also get unlimited wattage).

I will be on the lookout for the latest Kurish Globe as I believe there is an article by Pambette on her interview with the big man of the Ministry of Electric himself.

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