Monday, April 16, 2007

Ankawa egg

What does it mean, 'The Ankawa Egg'? To be honest, I don't think this is any philosphical or cosmic symbol of the universe... although it's true that even hard-boiled, there is a 'sun' in the center. It was a gift given me by a student from Ankawa, a gift which he created at the Ankawa Youth Center... possibly one of the few places where young people - Christian young people (both male and female in the same space) can congregate and socialize. Given that it was, as you may have surmised, boiled and dyed around Easter, I guess it is meant as a symbol of birth, rebirth and potential.


Anonymous said...

It's something that related to for it or google it ;)


Zanmei said...

Thanks Anonymous,

I suppose my comments were irresponsible... I suppose deep down, I knew that the Easter egg is connected to both Christian and pre-Christian tradition... "Eastre" being the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring; the Easter bunny - a kind of rabbit spirit of spring symbolizing fertility. And then comes the egg - Some Christians see it as the seed of life, and hence symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is something like this... Now maybe can fill me in further on why we paint these eggs?