Monday, April 16, 2007

Chain Spotting

Me: Where are we going
Mu: I don't know. You want?
Me: Huh?
Mu: Batmas... dinner? Driving... Shaklawa? Cooking... my house?
Me: Which do you prefer?
Mu: I don't know. You know.
This was the conversation that precipitated driving to Shaklawa for dinner. I had never been to Dilan before and it was reasonably good... but not as good as the drive back. It was dark and the entire way home, the scenery ahead was streaked with chain lightning. Shaklawa and Sallahadin are mountainous areas, so we drove quickly through the parts where the view was obstructed by mountains and trees and slowly through all the parts where the horizon ahead was visible- eyes fixated on the spot where the first chain was spotted...
we weren't disappointed.
P.S. As you probably know, the photo is not mine... nor is it even of Kurdistan, but I didn't have my camera on me that night.

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