Saturday, July 07, 2007

the EDGE

Although this post could easily be about how all the staff and students at the Uni have been on edge recently with finals coming up... it isn't! "The Edge" is the name of the bar located just inside the gates of the British Embassy compound (correct info?). And to think I managed to live here for almost 8 months before visiting the only real western bar...

So how was it? For those of you who have been to Korea, think military bar in Itaewon: Loud music, smoky, lots of big buff American guys drinking beer, playing darts and shouting to be heard over the music. Last week, there was also a largish group of teachers from the Chouefat International School celebrating (via karaoke and line dancing) that term was over... and a group of Ethiopian workers who proved to be very fun on the dance floor. This week proved to be more of the same minus the karaoke and the Ethiopian women. We (Vi, Rst and I) took Mu, although this was perhaps unadvisable since it is especially hard to make conversation in English when the native speakers are drunk and shouting over music.

The unfortunate thing is that although I have now been 2 times, I still don't think I could find this place on my own. Both times I went with Rst and his armed guard (poor guy- he stands and waits for us by the vehicle until 2:30 or 3:00am when we leave). Now my weekend is over and I am afriad to say that I am now officially ON EDGE! When I awoke yesterday after the night out drinking, there was a message on my phone from the deen of the university. As he appears first on the top of my mobile's phone book, appears that whoever was sitting on my bad at the club managed to send several empty texts to my boss thus disturbing my sleep... The bag-sitter also managed to call one of my students and delete all the people in my phone book whose name started with 'Z'. Will have to be more careful next time.


Kosar Nuradeen said...

The compund is called "USAID Compund". The U.S. Embassy foreign mission, USAID, USAID's international contractors, and security firms are placed there. The British Embassy mission are situated at Khanzad Hotel. :)

Kosar Nuradeen said...

The compund is called "USAID Compund". The U.S. Embassy foreign mission, USAID, USAID's international contractors, and security firms are placed there. The British Embassy mission are situated at Khanzad Hotel. :)