Friday, August 03, 2007

Diyarbakır again - For how long?

Well frıendly readers, I am most of the way back to Hawler. I took the bus from Tatvan to Diyarbakır and have spent the afternoon running from district to district trying to get some of the things I can not find back home; decent running shoes, clothes made of natural fibers that can actually breathe in the heat (instead of the synthetic ones available in Hawleri markets that make you feel as though you were wearing a plastic bag or exercizing in a sauna), computer screen cleaners, and English news magazines.

Tomorrow I will try to replace the sunglasses that I lost somewhere near Crater Lake on Mt. Nemrut (the ones at Tatvan, not the one wıth the stone heads). What happens after that depends on the safe arrıval of my passport... Yes, I left my passport in Tatvan as well. It is always good to ask the hotel staff to give this little item back as soon as possible. I am lucky there were no police checks along the road to Dıyarbakır or I might have been sent back, but as it is, my hotel is taking care of this. But as ashamed as I am about forgetting to ask for the return of my passport, I am proud that I managed to travel all around Diyarbakır by local bus today. If all goes well, you wıll hear from me again tomorrow... from Mardin.

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