Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...

While not quite Mary, I have always thought of myself as having a black thumb - ask the dying marigolds on the window sill, I have managed to keep some of my balcony garden alive... and it is one of the few things that cheers me up in the morning... Here are some of the plants that are starting to bear fruit...
Strawberries remind me of home. I regret to say, I ate this one yesterday, but there is a new one coming.

Kumkwats, so delicious... you can eat them, peel and all... or slice one in two and drop it in your gin and tonic.
And finally, who knew that a budding lemon looked like this? I finally have my own lemon tree... now if only I can stop myself from picking the blossoms (which smell Jasmin-like) so that the lemons will grow.

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