Monday, September 29, 2008

Cuba - Trinidad

After Santiago, which I reached by domestic flight, I went to Trinidad (the Cuban city, not the country) by Viasol bus service. It was an overnight trip taking about 13 hours, during which the overly air-conditioned bus stopped every hour. Trinidad was nothing like Santiago, a UNESCO heritage site, every little street was picturesque, overun with tourists, and prices were commensurate with places frequented by travelers. The thing which struck me here was not so much the city, but the family home I stayed in. It was truly lovely... a room with ensuite off of the back patio of the home. From the balcony, there was a staircase leading up to the roof where I could hang my washing. The first photo is of the view from the roof.... a view you may not find if you you do a Google image search of Trindad, Cuba.
Adjacent to my room was another occupied by two French women. They were mostly interested in taking a little bus to the beach each day, but we met in the evenings for dinner on our patio and outings to the clubs for live music. The picture below is of a group that played one afternoon. Unfortunately the first night there was a black out and we had to wait for hours until the lights came back on and the music started, but it was fun. Not as authentic as Santiago however, as they played a lot of popular salsa tunes to appeal to the tourists who pay money to learn to salsa. Why not son or Cutumba?

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