Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding in Oak Forest - Vacation Stop 1

Although my mother was NOT pleased, I decided that instead of a typical summer vacation where I visit her in New Brunswick via friends in London, I would go to Chicago... and a couple of Caribbean islands.
First Stop, Chicago... or more accurately, Oak Forest, a South suburb. So as Fra (we won't use her real name in case her friends Google her) already had a big wedding in Vancouver planned, almost nothing aside from invitations and the purchase of gazebos (see pics 2 &3) for the garden was done. To be fair, she really had her hands full with setting up their new house and starting a business.

As maid of honor, I was kept busy shopping for a wedding dress, helping with decorations and various other small tasks. But it was FUN. Never been to such a casual or fun wedding. And the most surprising outcome of my visit... Fra and her husband (in bottom picture in white shirt) have agreed to actually visit me here in Erbil on their honeymoon trip around the world. For Fra, a seasoned traveller and risk-taker, not so surprising, but for her husband - imagine venturing into Northern Iraq on your second trip abroad (the first being a Caribbean cruise).

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