Thursday, January 04, 2007


Zagros is a range of mountains spanning Iran and Iraq. As a girl's name, it means sweet and feminine... and it is also the name of D and her husband A's restaurant in Paris. As a favor to H (D's 6 year old mentioned sometime in October here on Daily Hawler), I went to find it on this my last night before returning to London... and Hawler.

This is the first sight on ascending the metro steps: Boulevard Richard Lenoir (named after Mr. Richard and Mr. Lenoir - 2 guys who brought the cotton industry to Paris).

And this is A: proud restauranteer. He has handed over his package for H, downed a glass of wine with me, and taught me a little French. It's all good. Next time I will go with friends to wash down some Greek-Kurdish amuse bouche with a little raki and listen to Aynur.

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