Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ağva - on the Black Sea

This weekend, I didn't go to the gym or shop or do any sightseeing. The salsa school I go to in Taksim planned a weekend retreat to Ağva. The salsa school is not really such a serious dance school. Most of the students are beginners - perhaps this is why they are not so competitive/friendlier than lots of other salsa communities. Anyway, we left Taksim at 3:00pm on Saturday and arrived just in time for a late dinner (after sunset- traffic was terrible). On Sunday, we swam, danced and took lots of photos. The scene above is what welcomed us when we awoke on Sunday.
So, I bet you didn't know that this is what people do on the beach in Turkey - smoke and play Tavla (backgammon)!
Although you can't tell from the pictures, the waves here made it hard to swim... but it was great to get tossed around a bit by the waves. All of us in the above picture had a great time splashing around and diving into the waves. At the beach, I discovered that I was not the only one who could not speak Turkish. As the dance teacher is Iranian, he invited a couple of non-dancing Iranian friends. There were two sisters - the two in bikinis (one from Kurgistan, one from Russia) who, while they spoke perfect Turkish, also spoke perfect English.
This photo and the one below need no explanation. They are views of the bay we stayed at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marianne! Marianne!

How really lovely to see you! I've been looking for you for AGES!

Email me if you can at beifuss@rocketmail.com

This is Stephen, who you haven't seen since University in Ottawa.
