Saturday, June 27, 2009


Just after we entered Dohuk and were pulling up to the entrance of Mazi Mall, my phone rang... twice! One was a colleague and another was a former student... and both wanted to know if I had arrived in Dohuk yet... and both were calling from Mazi Mall. Anyway, we chatted for a bit, then split up to window shop. After deciding on a beautiful made-in-Taiwan spinning bike (the purchase of which was my sole reason for coming to Dohuk), we were informed that we could not buy it until 2:00pm as the workers in the warehouse were off at the Mosque (well, it was a Friday). So we took Msd (the student) and headed to Malta for lunch. WOW! As you can see below, it was decorated in the recently ubiquitous grotto-type stone & cement finish. But don't be too critical; although the salad was soggy, they had fish on the menu! My sea bream was perfect. After lunch, we returned to Mazi Mall (I forgot to take a photo) to buy the bike. This time, I discovered they didn't have any bikes in the warehouse and I would have to take the display model. A little bit annoying as we had waited, but I guess this saved us the assembly as the whole assembled bike fit into the back of the huge new landcruiser! Below please see purchase as it stands in the back room of my flat.
I love it. It cost the same as only 3 months membership at J&K women's gym... and I could have bought one even cheaper, but this one has the chrome-finished flywheel (no worries about rust). Sdr and Mu wanted me to ride it home. No comment on their senses of humor.

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