Thursday, September 03, 2009

Rd's Hawler Map

I just received this email from a current UG student:
Dear all,

upon my getting questions of addresses and certain names of places around UKH, I tried to write the names of some of those landmarks on a google satellite map of places around UKH. It is best used if printed with a color printer. The red X'es on the map indicate the approximate location of the places, the dotted streets shows the paths that I prefer and the arrows show the ranges of the named places. feel free to pass it on if you want.
Hope you find it useful.


PS. Qelat is the name of the citadel in Arbil and it means Castle.

And what the Rd labels qaiseri might translate roughly to "bazaar" or "Grand Bazaar." UKH stands for the University of Kurdistan-Hawler... And the Nishtiman shops are the ones in that big white building near the bazaar that holds the LG showroom!

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