Sunday, September 13, 2009

Staff hobby: documentation of the beers of Hawler?

Given that Hawler is developing and remains (to date) bereft of many of the entertainment and cultural venues that expat residents might frequent back home, most of us came here armed with the intent of using the excess of free time we might not have back home productively to pursue our individual creative interests. Somehow, for many of us... the energy to actually be creative, to begin those projects and do anything much more than collapse in front of the TV every evening has slowly been sapped from our bodies along with a little of our sanity (if we ever had any... I mean, really what is sane?).

This summer, one of my current colleagues decided that we should all go away for a restful break and come back with a hobby that we actually are committed to pursuing for the new semester. (I will share that colleague's new hobby in a later post). But the photo above is representative of last year's lack of any real hobbies. One person's (not mine as I don't really appreciate beer) was to collect one can each of all the different varieties of beer available in Hawler/Ainkawa.

(Yes, I agree with you, critical reader. I am also not completely convinced that the hobby was the collection of cans, and not the consumption of the liquid contained within each of those cans).

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