Thursday, November 09, 2006

Beyond Spinack

When I walk down the little shopping street closest to the motel, the vegetable sellers see me coming, cringe and avert their eyes. And the worst part of this is, I am not in any way innapropriate, either in dress or behaviour. The problem lies in the fact that I have asked for something which they don't have in stock, and may never stock and may not even know what it is... but if one of these vegetable stand men does happen to accidentally make eye contact with me, he will nod and say, 'Spinack... tomorrow... Tomorrow spinack!' He may as well add a little "Inshallah" because it is my belief that it is His will that I not obtain the much desired spinach.... unless I want to pay about 10,000 dinars for a Palak dish at the fake Sheraton.

OK, so why harp on about the damned spinach you may be asking... well, the truth is that this is a matter much weightier than the lack of spinach in my neighborhood. The question to anything is likely to be, 'TOMORROW'! But as you may guess, this tomorrow takes a great many tomorrows to arrive. This makes everything from getting something photocopied, cashing a check, booking a ticket, to planning a language program and administering a university very difficult.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay so I know its been two years since this post but did 'Spinack' ever arrive? Did tomorrow ever come?