Sunday, November 19, 2006

New City Wedding 1

Yesterday we went to Nazaarmall as a break from New City... much better! I was a bit hung over, so didn't really enjoy the experience as much as I should have: lots of products not available at New CIty... and the usual shopping frenzy. S found a really pretty plate in a pile of random patterns... It was the only one, and T (deciding she like it too) started rifling through them like a madwoman. In the end, S had to give it to her.

On the way out, we ran into B and decided to share a cab. After arriving home, we were suprised to see a wedding party celebrating on the grass right inside the gate. I was greeted by these two little girls. I wanted to take their photo, but I had no camera... I quickly ran home to get it, but on returning found that there was no memory card in my camera. This was taken after a second trip to my ugly green bungalow.

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