Friday, November 10, 2006

A TRULY mad 'party'

Do you remember reading about a tea party hosted by the Hatter? At the moment, I am finding life here as confusing as that party. Imagine a dangerously naïve and perhaps somewhat sullied Alice sitting amongst a bunch of other Alice-like beings - also dirtied and in the process of becoming more so by circumstance of having stumbled into (or forcing a way into) a party the likes of what was unfolding. And to be truthful, the party is not much like a party. The Hatter jockeys the March Hare for recognition of the title of host. But beware, the diminutive Dormouse who appears to be sleeping under the weight of both the March Hare and Hatter’s collective elbows, is also exercising some passive aggressive methods of control. 'Wine' is offered, but then it turns out not to exist… how rude! Everyone is speaking, but with no coherence and topic-changing seems as random and misplaced as the insults. Alice sits silently while thinking it is the stupidest tea party she has been to in all her life. She does not even admonish the Dormouse nor anyone else for that matter on the inadvisability and rudeness of making personal remarks, thus becoming further blackened… What next? Perhaps she will be off to beg the Queen of Hearts for assistance or understanding.

Friendly readers, you do not have to comment on this post as it is just a reflection of my current state of frustration. It is now the weekend here and I hope to do something positive, interesting and postable TOMORROW (there's that word).

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